Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!!

So I figured, you know, being the new year and all that it would be a good time to reflect on at least a couple of the good and bad things that have occurred during the year 2013.  Of course I am only aware of a small fraction of them, and it will be even more limited by my less-than-stellar memory.  But let's give it a go:

The Bad

1.  One of the bigger problems that arose this year was the continuing decline of the acceptance of the nature of Holy Matrimony via the legalization of same-sex marriage throughout the United States.  What is particularly alarming, however, is the rate at which states are doing so.  From 2003 to 2012, 10 states passed bills or legislations that led to the acceptance of lawful marriages between same sex couples.  However, in 2013 alone, 8 states achieved the same end.  In other words, same sex marriage legalization has almost doubled in 1 year what occurred in the 9 years before that (to be more accurate, the first state to legalize in 2013 did so in May; so it almost doubled in 8 months).

Those states that legalized same sex marriage this year include Rhode Island, New Jersey, Utah, Hawaii, New Mexico, Delaware, Illinois, and Minnesota. 

2.  The HHS Mandate, which requires organizations to provide insurance coverage for contraceptives, has also been continuously forced on companies and even religious institutions.  Many businesses and organizations, particularly, but not only, for-profit agencies, that are morally and religiously against such practices may be forced to support somebody's use of said coverage if the U.S. Supreme Court rules that it is constitutional for the Obama administration to impose such policies.  And a number of those that have filed for a lawsuit were shot down by various court systems in receiving a temporary injunction from the mandate.

3.  The general attack that many people have launched against those who express their religious views publicly has continued to be an impediment to our calling to evangelize.  People are afraid to talk about God at work and even in public places in general because of the fear of being punished or penalized for it.  The issue concerning Phil Robertson from Duck Dynasty is just the latest and most popular example of such attacks.  The 'War on Christmas' is still very much alive.  Even the HHS Mandate is a kind of example of such an attack, since it forces religious organizations to abandon certain religious practices by financially supporting something that they are morally against. 

These are things that need to be addressed and dealt with during this new year.  Recent history has shown that it will only get worse if we don't. 

The Good

1.  Despite serious concerns still existing over the HHS mandate, it is important to note the gains that have been acquired since its start.  For one, the ridiculously narrow religious exemption has been expanded, and the new definition was finalized in June.  There are still many problems with it, but it now, at least, includes a broader religious exemption for more Catholic and Protestant organizations to work with then they originally had.

It is also important to note the amount of legal victories that have occurred.  Numerous companies and institutions this year alone have succeeded in getting temporary injunctions from the HHS Mandate.  Most recently, The Little Sisters of the Poor in Colorado was granted their injunction by the Supreme Court the night before the new year, which was the day after the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals originally denied their injunction.  You can go here to get an up-to-date review of the legal proceedings of those who filed lawsuits against the HHS Mandate. 

The success of the current cases may very well be a sign of things to come.

2.  There have been several bioethical gains within the United States throughout the year as well.  Almost all states introduced pro-life bills and many others received success in passing said bills.  What is particularly awesome is that many of these bills are geared toward protecting the unborn AND the mothers.

Euthanasia has also been defended valiantly in legal settings.  Vermont, unfortunately, legalized Physician Aid in Dying (the act of the physician giving the patient deadly substances so that the patient can choose to self-administer the substances).  However, several states have turned down motions to legalize PAD and Euthanasia.  Attempts to legalize them also remain relatively low. 

And much to the surprise of some, Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research (HESCR) has taken a popularity drop.  This appears to be the result of the lack of effectiveness in HESCR then was originally predicted and hoped for, combined with the growing success of research done within human adult stem cells.  It is still very much supported by many, but it is certainly not advocated for nearly as much as it used to be. 

Those are just some of the cool things that happened this year.  I did have one other, though, to add to the 'good' list, but I cannot seem to remember it (I told you before I have a terrible memory).  I thought of it before, but I seem to have lost track of what it could be...

Nope, I am just totally drawing a blank here.  It's really sad when I can't remember something from five minutes ago.
Wait, Wait, Wait...I think it's coming back to me...

...Nope, I lost it.  I'll let you know if it comes back to me.
So as you can see we have all been through quite a year.  A lot has transpired.  But a lot more will transpire in the year to come.  I pray that the events that have arisen this past year cause us to reflect and hold steadfast to the will of God.  I pray that we learn from our mistakes and correct our wrongs.  I pray that we remember what we have done right by the Grace of God and that we pass these on to current and future generations.  And most of all, I pray that we do all of this in faith, hope, and charity.
Have a happy and blessed new year, everybody.


  1. Good read Jon! ... Happy New Year, from a long-lost friend from KY. :)

    1. Happy New Year Joanna!!! I hope you are doing well!
